Beecher is uniquely located less than an hour from downtown Chicago in rapidly growing Will County. Served by Illinois Route 1, access to Interstate 80-94 is only twenty minutes north. Interstate I-57 can be accessed within fifteen minutes to the west and Interstate I-55 is only 30 minutes to the west. State roads to the east can access Interstate I-65 in just forty minutes.
With a large variety of restaurants, retail establishments and professional services, Beecher offers amenities available only in much larger communities.
A 27-hole golf course in the center of the town brings visitors in the warmer seasons, while the annual 4th of July Festival and fireworks exhibition brings thousands of visitors every summer. The Village also has a Veteran’s Memorial, a one-of-a-kind Ribbon of Hope Cancer Memorial and small town charm where people move to raise their families.

The Village of Beecher has a competitive commercial and industrial marketing program. Affordable housing, low crime rates, quality schools and Beecher’s small town atmosphere are all within one hour of downtown Chicago and O’Hare Airport.
The Village has been aggressively pursuing new business prospects by discussing tax incentives, making contacts with willing sellers of prime commercial and industrial land, and cutting through layers of “red tape” to bring projects to completion. Hundreds of acres of land are available for industrial development, with several rail-served sites off the UP/CSX line. The Village works to increase its tax base to preserve its revenue sources for public education and to offer more employment opportunities for current and new residents.
In 2019 the Village approved a TIF District for designated areas in the Village. Tax Increment Financing is a tool provided by the State of Illinois to allow local municipalities to leverage the increases in property taxes that result from new development in order to help finance the improvement costs of new projects within the district. For more information check out our TIF Plan or contact Charity Mitchell at the Village Hall at 708-946-2261.