Domestic Violence and Orders of Protection

Domestic Violence and Orders of Protection

The Beecher Police Department is dedicated to the arrest and prosecution of domestic violence cases within its’ jurisdictional boundaries. Citizens of the community are encouraged to read and make themselves familiar with the information on this page to understand how the domestic violence process works in Will County.

Domestic violence is a crime and is not a “quiet family problem.” Domestic violence is a general term that includes (but is not limited to) the crimes of domestic battery, violations of orders of protection, stalking, assault, aggravated assault, aggravated battery, aggravated battery of a child or an unborn child, and aggravated battery of a senior citizen. These crimes typically occur as a result of a spouse, family member, or dating partner’s attempt to control the behavior of someone through threats, physical or emotional abuse, harassment, and/or stalking.

If you, or someone you know is the victim of domestic violence, and reside within the village, please call the Beecher Police Department immediately. If you live outside the village limits. Both agencies can be contact by dialing 911.

What happens when the police are called

If you summon the police to your residence for a domestic battery incident they will respond and investigate and mitigate, to the best of their ability, your complaint or concern. If through the officer’s investigation, evidence exists of a criminal violation, an arrest will be made. Once an arrest for domestic battery is made, the offender will be brought to the Beecher Police Department for processing. After processing, the offender will be transferred to the custody of the Will County Adult Detention Facility to await a bond hearing before a judge, probably the next day. The judge will set bond and also set conditions of the bond. Generally, the judge sets a “no-contact” order for 72-hours following release. This means the offender cannot have contact with the victim for 72-hours. At the bond hearing, the judge will also set a court date for the case to be heard, so the victim can be present.

For additonal information, please click in the menu above for links to several Domestic Violence Resources.